Not only popular demand, but overwhelming demand, brought this to you. You guys are sooo sweet! And I sincerely apologize for the mass heart breakage that occurred. It was an accident, I swear! <3 <3 <3 Clean up crews are on the way...
[title] Gravity [2/?]
[author] fieryrogue
[pairing] Cookleta
[rating] PG
[word count] 672
[summary] It's hard
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Again, there were so many things I liked, and seriously I'm not quoting anything because the whole fic would be quoted. But I'm analyzing characters here, if you don't mind.
Archie comes across as a bit of contradictory, which is good. On the one hand, he is all waiting for Dave to call him, to make it right. But he walked away because he didn't want to be sucked in ever again. What's the point of walking away if you wish Dave will call you? Wouldn't it be like falling again? But it's realistic, because real people are always contradictory, always wanting things that they can't have, that they know are not good for them. Always craving a love that can be so destructive, yet make you feel alive.
I love the parallelism between this ending and the ending in Ghost, how they all come back to the piano and the music and 'Moonlight Sonata', which now I want to listen once again.
So, I need a conclusion. But not before a bit of playing around with their hearst on a string (I'm such an angst lover). So, I've been nice and I've shared my toys, and I've even spoken to my sister without yelling at her, and I've eaten my vegetables (yummy!). The room, that might be tough, because I'm such a disaster, but I'm trying. And I've done something nice for a stranger... I've left this comment to you (technically, we're strangers since we haven't met in RL, LOL). Can I have my dose of heartbreak, please?
As for knocking their heads together, I'm totally with you. I'll hold one and you hold the other and we'll teach them a lesson. Stupid kids! They're killing me with their total blindness.
I listened to "Moonlight Sonata" about fifty times while writing this. Including taking one whole listen to close my eyes and imagine Archie pouring over every note of it. Gah, I wanted to cry! Why do I do this to myself? To all of us? *is breaking down at own words*
Well, I'll be speaking with the boys about this, so we'll see what they have to say for themselves. I'll remind them that you've been a very good girl, and that they should look to you as an example. :D
Yes! *waits for you to bring the boys* We'll teach them they cannot mess around with our hearts!
I've been good. I've behaved. I've even written fluff! What else can I do?
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