Mar 01, 2009 22:18
If the last person you kissed on the lips said that you were the only one they wanted, would you believe them?
Nope, wouldn't make sense.
What are you currently hearing?
Whirring of laptop fan.
Have a best friend?
Yeah, my oldest one.
Would you date someone three years older than you?
I don't have a problem with it.
What's with you and the last person you kissed?
Don't really talk anymore. Old mistakes are costly.
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
Yeah, to the extent that I talk about anything to really. Eoin would hear anything I want to get off my chest before anyone else would, anyway.
Are you wearing any clothes that don’t belong to you?
I rather hope not.
Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hated?
Don't think so.
What color/kind of shirt are you wearing?
Black Bauhaus shirt and a hoodie.
What made your day today?
Nothing much, was a good day, if nothing too special. Set an air rifle personal best, but nothing too noteworthy, so I'll press on.
Are you keeping a secret right now?
Not really, as in, I know things, but they haven't been entrusted to me as a secret, and they're going to be told shortly, and I don't need to know them and releasing them isn't in my interests at all, as it has nothing to do with me. So some might say yes, but realistically, since it's not weighing on me and doesn't affect or concern me, no.
Is there anyone you want to come see you?
Eh, not really, wouldn't mind if Eoin popped out for a coffee, but I'm quite busy. (Hence quiz, obviously)
What are your plan for the weekend?
They were elaborate, and mostly worked, minus the work. Attended birthday in Doyle's on friday, had racing session in Mondello on saturday, work saturday night, match today, now essaying and procrastinating it.
Are you sarcastic?
When was the last time you smiled?
Earlier, good music on the radio. I want Jenny Huston to make me tea.
Do you miss anyone?
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Nope, last time proved less than healthy for all concerned.
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
When is the next time you will hug someone?
Whenever Trish feels starved of human contact and needs a fix.
Are you mad about anything?
Yeah, few things, at any given time.
Would you go a month without cursing?
I doubt I'd last an hour.
Besides this, what are you doing right now?
Browsing Failblog and definitely not doing an essay.
What is one thing you want right now?
Eh, unlimited time to train for shooting and governmental support for that; a lot of organisations to be more transparent and to take a lot of the cloak and dagger out of the various political situations I find myself in; self-completing coursework; on/off loneliness to subside for good; castles in the midlands, Bavaria, Scottish highlands and a villa on the south coast of France, near Italy; helicopters; stacks of cash... Oh, one thing? Stacks of cash takes care of most of the res. (Money doesn't buy happiness my hole!)
Did you go to sleep last night smiling?
I can't imagine that I did.
Do you sleep on your stomach?
No, sides always.
Are you ticklish?
Not really.
Are you in a good mood?
Eh, fairly bland mood at the moment. Annoyed about lack of work ethic as term winds down.
What did you do last saturday?
Eh, don't recall. Think I just sat around waiting for work to happen.
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
What color are your eyes?
Blue to blue/grey, depending on various factors.
When was the last time someone asked for your number?
Couple of weeks ago. Needed to inform someone what pub we were going to be in.
Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
Rather unlikely, I suspect.
Have you received or given any apologies recently?
Nope, clear conscience, though I may have forgotten to pay for a dessert in the Porterhouse tonight. Club carried the dinner tab, so I forgot my own extras.
Do you talk to the person you fell hardest for?
No, unfortunately. I tried though, so as I say, clear conscience.
What color is your tootbrush?
Purple I think.
What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Browsed Boards, tried to think of other stuff to procrastinate with, failed.
When is your birthday?
Officially, twentieth June. Really? Nobody's quite sure. I'm that perfect midnight baby. Unfortunately, I forget which end of the day the debate is on, so I can only say for sure that it's somewhere between the nineteenth and the twenty-first.
Does the last person who put their arms around you mean anything to you?
Eh, she's a nice person, yeah, but no more than a friend.
Does anyone know your myspace password?
Such a thing does not exist.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Fairly ambivalent.
Ever cried from being so mad?
Yeah, plenty of stuff worth getting angry at, but crying impotently always seems such a pathetic way of dealing with it. Suggestions for alternative on a postcard.
Last time you held hands with someone?
Eh, certainly over two years.
When is the next time you’ll kiss someone?
No idea. Not in the foreseeable future.
Have you ever asked a boy for advice?
Yes, I find having a gender in common makes for good advice applicable to my own life.
Who do you ask?
Eoin, if I have to ask anything. Tend to just sort shit myself though.
Name something you dislike about the day you're having?
Didn't achieve quite the score I wanted today, but I'm not really going to complain about that. Lack of ability to work is far more troubling.
What are you thinking of right now?
This essay is going to keep me up for a long time... Also that our past never leaves us, and I think that as children we don't understand the ramifications of our actions, and when they stay with us later, it's difficult to accept responsibility, given how much you change, and that can suck rather a lot.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Have you ever slept in the same bed as the same sex?
What book did you last read?
Last new book I read was 3 Commando Brigade, detailing the work of the Royal Marines in Afghanistan, good read. Recently re-read some of Ian Fleming's original James Bond books too though. Really enjoy those.
Where was the last place you went besides your house?
Trinity, to UCD, back to Trinity, to the Porterhouse, to home.
Do you feel comfortable with answering personal questions?
Yeah, I answer everything honestly, whether I'm entirely comfortable or not, just seems more important. I tend to keep myself to myself unless asked though.
Do you think the last person you kissed is nice?
Yeah, good person. We don't really talk anymore though.
How do you know the last person that commented you?
Only thing this can vaguely apply to would be Facebook. We went to school together, we still go for drinks occasionally.
Did your night suck last night?
No, work, got paid, all good.
How many months until your birthday?
Three and a half or so.
Been out side longer than 30 mins today?
Actually, no, I doubt it, been underground all day. That's pretty sad.
Could you ever be friends with someone that broke your heart?
Yeah, just requires a lot of hard work, and won't be perfect. Have to make a mature decision on whether such things are viable, which isn't always easy.
Are you shy?
In the sense that I'm not going to get onstage naked, yeah. I'm happy to answer questions about myself though and can talk to people.
What's your name spelt backwards?
Ever made a prank phone call?
Yeah, in school. Not the whirlwind adventure it was advertised as.
What do you think about most?
Shooting, old regrets, getting work done, politics, the future, not in any particular order.
When was the last time you cried?
No idea, been a long time.
When was the last time you laughed?
Pub earlier I expect.
Presumably because we were discussing funny incidents.
When was the last time you hugged someone?
Who was the last person you cried over?
Have you ever danced in the rain?
No idea, not that I recall. I tend to engage sense of self-preservation and grumpy bastard engine and just seek shelter.
What time did you wake up this morning?
Eight, a lie-in for a sunday.
Who is the first person you spoke to after waking up?
My mother.
Have you taken any surveys other than this one today?
No, but it may well not be the last.
Do you have plans for tomorrow?
Hand in essay, sleep, do more tutorial assignments, give presentation, Directors meeting of National Target Shooting Association (if it's still on), head to range, head to pub.
Are you avoiding someone/something right now?
No, bar procrastinating work, but it has to get done tonight anyway.
Is today special to you in any way?
Not really.
Where's your cellphone?
On the counter in front of me.
Who's the last person to text you?
Do you believe in second chances?
Yeah, I guess, in some cases.
Who was the last person to give you advice?
Ben. I need to develop follow-through on my shot plan, and my trigger control and technique could use polishing. I knew these things, but still, good advice.
Is there anyone on your mind right now?
Yeah, few people.
Name a lyric from the song you're listening to:
"That that don't kill me, can only make me stronger." Not listening now, but it's one that stuck in my head recently. Wonder how far I can push that philosophy. Problem is, you never know when you've found the limit. Oh well.
Have you changed out of your pajamas today?
Such as they are, yes.
Can you speak any other language, even just a little?
Good Latin, passable Irish, usable French, minimalist German, couple of phrases of Spanish.
Do you cross your legs when you sit?
Have you seen both of your parents today?
Are you planning on watching a movie tonight?
Eh, I downloaded one yesterday, but I really shouldn't.
Is there any food you're craving?
There's freshly made lasagne behind me, so yes.