Bring the Metal

Jan 12, 2005 14:32

Hey everyone, I'm interested in starting a metal band. It's something I feel like God is calling me to do, and so i'm looking for the other people God has to be in the band.

The basic idea musically is for the band to be at its core, a metal band, but to draw influences from any type of metal and other music types. doing some blast beats, then go into a breakdown, then have a slow deathmetal part..then some jazzy get the idea.

I dont know if it'll end up being like that..but thats the idea..

Lyrically, it would be pretty evangelical. Thats the call I feel like God has put on my life and I want to express that through the music.

so..pretty much..if yo feel like God has put it on your heart and given you the desire to play in a metal band, hit me up..we're looking for a bassist, possibly a guitarist, and a piano player. We also want a girl to be in the band to do pretty back up vocals. if you are a girl and you play piano and wanna play metal..then that'd be awesome.

so pray about it..let me know

David Hopper
. Solixdeoxgloria
PHONE: 205-253-8758
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