:D!! I ♥ Paris

Aug 28, 2009 00:20


Here I am in Paris! :D Je suis á Paris! (yay!! I write it well! :D according to Jacques)

Well, if you didn't know, I'm back in Paris because of this boy, my boyfriend (again xD) called Jacques. I'm here only for a week, I arrived the 24 and I'M NOT COMING BACK TO SPAIN neveeeeeeeeeerr!!!

Unfortunately, I was kidding... I return to spain on september the 1st. ¬¬

Buttt no! we're not speaking about returns.

Just to say that I'm very happy and, that I'm getting Jacques into Panic! (xD) his favourite song is Mad as Rabitts ( O.o) hahah I forced him this morning to buy A Fever, and he bought it! xDD only 6€, that's excessively cheap for Panic! He was confused cause I was upset because of that xD

I'm so telling him to write something in french.

Hi! I'm Jacques & I'm not writing in french because I would look stupide:$ Hello 2 everyone!!!

It's me back... hahahah, he said he wasn't going to write in frech... but he wrote "stupide" (stupid in french obviously) He sometimes mixes languages xD Me too probably :S

Ok... We're going now, watch a movie probably. BYE!

paris jacques

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