Sep 20, 2005 20:06
the one major thing i cant stand in peoples personalities is them being hypocritical.
its not ok for you to do somethingor say something, but when they go ahead and say or do the same thing its ok for them and everyone has to agree and understand.
example a:
i have massive phone bills all the time, i tell ppl if you want me to talk or for me to resond back to sms call me. some ppl didnt get this concept and cracked it if i didnt respond to sill little sms that can wait. and now that they finally know what its like to have to pay their own way and are trying to cut back they get all shitty at you and go mental back at you, when they havent even told u there plight.
example b:
when people know your busy eg with at work they sms you and crack it if there is no response back to them with in the first minute or so of the sms, and keep sending u stuff saying "are you mad with me, why u not respoding" when they know you work that day every week. But when you ask them somthing important or as them to get back to you coz your meeting them, and you know they are at home doing nothing coz you were on the phone to them 20 mins b4 and they were spose to respond back then and still havent they go and crack it at you for cracking it at the not responding.
so pissed off, why do i care so much for one person who always makes my life hell and makes me so depresed all the time because, it has to be her way or nothing, and shit like that.........
im sorry this prob made no sense to you i just had to let it out before i went made.
and to make it all harder........... i cant haqve n e free spare second to my self coz my nieces are hanging off me 24 7 and i jsut need space atm and i cant get n e.........
im going
this is so shit i hate it all
so over it