Warning: long and possibly emo

Feb 05, 2006 14:30

Even though I haven't even gone through sunday, this has already been a fantastic albeit expensive weekend.

Thursday: Got completely wasted, I can't even remember where. The reason I'm telling you this is because on...

Friday: I didn't get up for my 9'o'clock lecture. Its all still GCSE stuff at this point in the semester anyway. I can't bear to bore myself with this shit, so I won't give you the same treatment.

After my second lecture at 1pm, we went to look at the student houses that hadn't yet been taken - we only saw two. I also had a fantastic raspberry and white chocolate cookie, but thats a whole 'nother post.

The first house was fantastic, large rooms, and we kept hearing moaning. One room had lesbians in bed when we walked in. Win! The thing I really liked about it was the view. It was up a really steep hill, and the front two bedrooms looked over the town and the beach. Contrary to popular belief, Swansea has really nice weather. It probably has around 4 days of sunshine a week, during winter. The sunset on the water, over looking the city gave the top room a real penthouse feel. It was great. Unfortunately, the 2nd (3rd if you don't "do" the whole ground floor thing) floor rooms were about 5 ft high for the most part, due to the roof. I'd have been very happy in that room, but of course it was one of just two good rooms in the house.

The kitchen was big and the living room was huge, space for 3 sofas and a large table. We decided we didn't want it because of the 4 shitty rooms and the distance from uni.

The second house kind of threw me off a bit, there was nobody staying there yet so it didn't really feel like somewhere I wanted to live. The rooms were nice, and equally spaced, though so it seemed fair. There was also a double room which is good since two of the people I'm living with are engaged, and so they only needed one room.

Also its just a 15 minute walk to uni through singleton park which is really nice and green etc, especially on sunny days.

We've also decided we're getting the fastest internet connection money can buy, along with some uber-wicked Sky package. We'll have a proper sized fridge and plenty of beer. It also has a back garden thats high up and catches alot of sun. We're going to grow some weed up there over summer while we're not living there.

On the way home we each donated £4.50 to the Euromillions cause. 12 tickets, none of us won. Shame.

Before I went down to the pub, I booked my flights to Barcelona. You probably all know this since you did the same thing, but still I'm looking forward to it, loads. After all these years of Ms. Dreiser moaning and bitching at us to go to see some art - we're finally off to the place she recommended. Rest in peace, miss D (if its shit you can kiss your life goodbye).

We're putting our deposit for the house down on...

Saturday: I was woken up at like 9am, which is way too early considering we got pretty drunk again. We went to the letting shop and sorted the house. Its now ours, starting July 1st (at half-rent!). After that I went to Tesco and bought some really healthy stuff. Loads of salad, loads of healthy living meat, loads. I'm cooking my own meals for a while, I've had a load of inspiration recently.

Roll onto the afternoon, and once again its down to the pub to get pissed (I didn't though) and watch England beat Wales 47 to 13. It was great, since half the people here are Welsh, and the other half English. It got a bit rowdy but it was all in good fun.

I came home and started writing a post about internet piracy, recycling, and how I feel depressed. I really felt bad. In short, the wonders of my course has taught me about our environment and protecting it. I've always been one for recycling, not littering, and all that malarky. This also got me thinking about how much we steal from the internet, some do it worse than others (i.e. ME). I don't like stealing all this stuff but I can't afford it all. I felt guilty (well, guiltier than usual) because I ordered the Sopranos season 1 boxset - they don't need the money, its the music makers who I've not given anything back to. Still, I'm not 100% thief, I buy as much as I can. Ish.

After about 30 minutes of lying on my bed thinking, I decide this is shit. I can either take a bunch of pills and tequila, or I can get stuff sorted. I spent around an hour giving my room a facelift, its now tidy as hell, and everything isn't on the floor. From here on, I'm alot happier.

DISCLAIMER: I warned you it was long, and emo. I could have written ten times as much in that last paragraph, but this is a blog. Not a "Dear diary I'm so sad" that belongs in a fluffy pink notebook.

Anyway, Saturday night and its a trip to Spar, and then the pub. All the usual things happen, Pool, Beer, Foozball, Beer, Beer, Toilet, Beer. You know the drill by now.

Considering I'm now drunk at this point, I start some more downloads forgetting my earlier feelings. They should be finished by...

Sunday: I'm looking over Sky TV and various broadband packages for next year, and also calculating the costs of a lizard environment (we also want some pets).

I need to finish my coffee and typing soon, as we have a (if they turn up) football match organised against the Koreans. Last week they joined in and challenged us, but we were tired and there were too many people playing on such a small pitch. I'm really excited, its my first national appearance.

Tonight is the superbowl! Hotdogs and beer, available from the bar, until 3am! I'll be sure to watch that. That is what is making my weekend, nothing like the most popular sporting event in the world, which includes grown men massacring eachother in mid-jump. Long throws, quick switches, its no wonder they keep making films about american football.

That concludes my weekend. Its been a great one, especially thanks to my slap-round-the-face on Saturday, if it wasn't for that I wouldn't be half as happy. I'm loving it at the moment but I can't wait for Barcelona. I'm brushing up on my Spanish, and I might cook some paella after football.

Monday 6th February

Dear diary...
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