Aug 24, 2004 20:49
1. What time is it now? 8:51
2. What's your full name? David Bewley
3. Nickname? Dave
4. Chat name? DaveX , silent bob
5. Where do you live? Melbourne Australia
6. Sex? yes plz ah male
7. Birthplace? royal womens hospital
8. Born on (day/month/year)? 16/09/1984
9. How many brothers and sisters do you have? 2
10. Zodiac Sign? VIRGO
11. Hair color? dark blonde
13. Height? *shrug*
14. Weight? *shrug*
15. Piercing? none
16. Tattoo? No
17. Smoke? No
18. Left Handed or right Handed? Right handed
19. Ever been arrested? umm no not arested
20. Fave drink? pep-si
21. Fave Food? nething good
22. Fave Sport? riding
23. Fave Movie(s)? The Butterfly Effect, Pirates of the Caribbean, American Beauty, Freaky Friday, The Sixth Sense, and lots more
24. Fave TV-Show? stargate family guy futurama
25. Fave Colour? red
26. Fave Band/Singer(s)? gmouth nofx ne punk
27. Fave Music? I just told you
28. Fave male celeb? beats me
29. Fave female celeb? ah let me think JESSICA ALBA
30. Fave actor? Dustin Hoffman
31. Fave actress? as above
32. Fave Song? A whole load of Red Hot Chili Peppers ones, and Fast Car by Tracy Chapman
33. Fave Music Video? dunno
34. Fave TV channels: Most music channels
35. Fave Magazine? *shrug*
36. Fave Season? spring not to hot not too cold
37. Fave fruit: ?
38. Fave day of the week? monday
39. Fave Book? Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events... duh
40. Fave Number? 8
41. Fave Cookie? M+M
42. Fave Ice-Cream? Strawberry cheescake... I think
43. Fave Candy? would i like sum CAN -DY ! wizz fizz
44. Fave Flower? heheh guess
45. Fave Subject(s): HA ! systems
46. Worst subject? art
47. TV Show You wish you could appear in: None
48. Britney or Christina? Britney... she's less of a slut
49. BSB or N'Sync? WTF bsb boys suck boys ??
49a. Nick Carter or Justin Timberlake? Neither
50. Beach or Mountain? Beach, in the night with full moon
51. Dismissed, Elimidate, Or Blind Date? I don't watch those shows
52. Love or Lust? Lusty Love
53. Apples or Oranges? Oranges
54. Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
55. Flowers or Candy? Candy
56. Dawson's Creek or Friends? Friends
57. Romantic, Comedy or Horror? All three
58. Gold or silver? Silver... gold is too bling-bling
59. Last song you listened to? THX helicopter
60. What do you have for breakfast? 2 day i had subway
62. If you had all the money in the world, what would you use it for? world domination, nah wat ever i want
63. What's the one thing in life you never plan on doing?
64. Would You Ever get any type of plastic surgery? No, NEVER
65. Who's your best friend? matt tee
66. What famous person would you want to be for a day? dunno
67. Part of your body you wish you could change? nfi
68. Part of your body you love?
69. How long do you use the net on weekdays? mine is always on
70. Do you sometimes wish you can be one of your friends? No
71. What do you want to be in the future? alive
72. What is the best job a person can have? A job they enjoy doing
73. What is the worst job a person can have? A job they don't like but are forced to do
74. Do you believe in love at first sight? Sometimes
75. What is the most important thing in a relationship? Trust
76. Which one of your friends live the farthest from you and where do they live? matt
77. Which is worst? tattoos or plastic surgery? It depends...
78. Crushes? A few
79. How romantic are you? [1-10]? Dunno... about 6
80. Last thing you said? *giggled*
81. Is the glass half full OR half empty? half full
82. Dream Car? Something nice... I'm not clever with cars
83. Song(s) you hate the most: Anything too Rap/Hip-Hoppy
84. Female-Name you would give your dog/cat/fish: *shrug*
85. Male-Name you would give your dog/cat/fish: *shrug*
86. Do you like more salty peanuts or peanuts without salt? Salty
Do you believe in:
87. Angels? no
88. Aliens? No
89. Hell? No
90. God? No
91. Yourself? Yes
92. Have you ever made prank calls? Yes
93. Did you meet a celeb? yeah several
94. Did you ever have sex? yeah
96. Perfect guy/girl: Someone I love and she loves me in return
97. Hobby(s)? net games compss etc
98. Song you now listen to and verse of it: family guy episodes
99. What's the best song to sing in the shower? ne music i have playing on the comp really loud
100. Where's the best place to be at 9:30p.m. on Friday night? out with friends
101. How many languages do you speak? english and badder english
102. Describe yourself in 3 words: sexy, smart, lazy
103. Fave soccer team? I HATE SOCCER
104. Fave designer? Beats the fuck outta me
105. USA, Australia OR Germany? AH australia
106. Do you believe in life after death? yeah
107. Concert or Theatre? concert
107b. Which was your last concert or theatre play? pump or the offspring
108. Blonde or Dark Hair? blonde
109. The words you say the most: meh, fuck u, sup
110. Snickers OR Mars? snickers
111. McDonalds, KFC OR Burger King? maccas
112. If you have to kill a killer who wants to kill all your friends, would you kill him? yep
113. Dog, Cat OR Fish? dogs cats
114. Are you more afraid of Spiders or Snakes? snakes
Have you ever:
115. cried in public? yes cos i cut my self
116. climbed a tree? yep
117. been to a concert of your fave Band? yes
118. fell asleep in a movie/theatre? yes
119. been scared to get a shot? What?
120. got high? yes
121. smoked? yes
122. got drunk? yes
123. Which person don't you like?
124. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No
125. Where were you on your last vacations? qld
126. First CD you bought? korn i think
127. Song and Verse you now listen to: family guy
128. Why do you like this song? funny
129. Write a verse of a song about holidays/vacation: hello brian !
130. Have you ever been on a plane? yes but not flown in one :(
131. Name a star, from who do you think she/he's an inspiration: beats me
132. Would you like to have more a baby-boy or a baby-girl? either
133. How many children would you like to have? Two or three
134. With how many years would you like to have your first baby and with how many years wouldn't you want a baby? Dunno
135. Marriage or not? Yes
136. Outside Marriage or Church Marriage? Depends what I'm like by that time
137. Future daughter's name? soda
138. Future son's name? *shrug*
139. Where will you live? in a house
140. What would be your job (not dream job) *shrug*
141. Who do you think send this back to you at first? Copy/Pasted it.
142. What time is it now? 10:09