Well, I think I've found my next adventure. NOLS (the National Outdoor Leadership School) offers a class that involves spending a year (well, actually two semesters - 135 days) in Patagonia, Chile.
part of this class entails spending like a week or so living with a remote - self-sustaining family. It also involves learning rock-climbing, glacial mountaineering, sea kayaking, and getting Wilderness First Responder certified (WFR or woofer).
The only problem is it costs around 25000 for the course and probably around 2000 for the gear. Oh you also get the holiday season off to spend in Chile which would have some expense. The good part is I can use student loans, this Americorps grant I just got, and they offer some scholarships. I think I would be a shoe in for the scholarships though. They max out at 4500 for the semester long courses so I'm guessing that would mean 9000 for the year. If I include max stafford loan amounts ( around 10000) I can bring the cost down to around 5000. Pretty crazy 'eh ?
I probably won't do it but it is kind of fun to see if it is even feasible.