Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?

Mar 18, 2013 14:05

My Roger Zelazny book arrived in the post this morning. It is a compendium of short stories including "The Last Defender Of Camelot" ,and is thus the title of the book. It was a brand new paperback which I found for a penny on Amazon plus normal postage.

His science fiction verges on the fantastical and has fantasy elements. Last year i read his "Lord Of Light" in my Fifty Book Challenge.

I walked into Sittingbourne today as it was a mild and relatively sunny morning, and .currently I am at the Office.

Last night I watched the DVD of "I Robot" , and again in a philosophical way, it throws up the nature of existence and intelligence. The idea of the ghost in the machine is floated and that artificial intelligence could dream and have emotions. It was the great writer Isaac Asimov who proposed the three laws of robotics.

In a nutshell it states that -

1/  A robot may not injure a human bing or ,through inaction,allow a human being to com to harm
2/  A robot must obey the orders given by a human being, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law
3// A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Seecond Law.

It has been a long time since i read Asimov's "I Robot".

Great science fiction but also thought provoking.

books, films, sci fi

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