Oct 20, 2024 19:22
What a horrible wet day it has been. Luckily, I had no reason to go out today. Most of it was spent listening to music or reading a book.
One of my readers made a comment on one of the cartoons i posted, and it made me think more about how such a cartoon can be loaded with unintentional disregard or disrespect for certain swathes of the populus. The cartoon under scrutiny was the usual trope of children-eating witches. Possibly in poor taste, I admit,t due to the historical past in which many women were accused and executed unjustly of witchcraft charges citing this kind of apocryphal kind of behaviour.
In future I will stop and pause before posting.
Thank you everyone who have posted questions to me with my "just wondering" posts.
I love all the questions you guys and gals throw at me when I relinquish control. Sometimes they really make eke think hard and one had me really stop to ponder and that was “how does your nationality play into your self identity?.
So, it does require an answer.
Firstly, I would identify myself as British but secondly as an Englishman. However, my perspective as a cultured person leans me to being an internationalist. I am not one of these inward looking xenophobic little Englanders. I love our multiculturalism and its diversity of cultures, which despite minor problems, is quite cohesive. It is also partly due to my kind of socialism and philosophic outlook and that I am more of a republican than a monarchist. That is how i define my standing with my nationality.