First, we pay our proper dues.
A prayer:
Almighty Poseidon, all-powerful Triton,
we call upon you to calm the raging seas, to quell the gathering storm.
We ask you to bless this fine vessel, Southwind,
and to bring her and her crew safely back to home waters.
And a sacrifice:
A bottle of chilled champagne, popped and lavishly offered upon wave, upon deck, and upon crew. There was just a drop or two left that snuck into the crew's mouths.
Cruise went off terrifically. Three hours up and down the shoreline out of Humber Public launch at the base of Park Lawn. Perfect 10 Knot wind for almost the whole day.
It was almost like all we had to do was get the sails set and leave em alone for the duration.
Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.