Dec 04, 2004 22:35
I flat out stole this from Kelly's journal. But I think it's sort of fun and I have nothing better to do. Here's how it works. I pick ten people from my journal and say something about them without mentioning their name. Your job: see if you can guess who I'm talking about. Is it you? Did you make the cut? For clarification, just comment and all the answers shall be yours.
1. There was a time when I couldn't keep up with all your men. Luckily, that time has passed.
2. You were the coolest seventeen year old girl I ever met.
3. If you lived in New Jersey, every day of your life would be a bonefest courtesy of me.
4. You're a brainiac. A saucy flirt. Adorable. It's a shame that you're attached...and far away.
5. I find your heterosexuality appalling.
6. What can I say? Your pit-hair rocks my ass.
7. I worship you unconditionally. Someone ought to.
8. Our conversations are unmatched.
9. I wish you weren't so sad all the time. I wish there was something I could do.
10. I know nothing about you, but you intrigue me constantly.