turn on your radio...

Sep 30, 2006 13:52

This journal has been sitting dormant for a long time, so I thought I'd quickly throw an update on here while I have a moment before getting some much, much needed sleep.

I just got back from 3 days in Tampa doing voiceovers/production work on ROH and FIP DVDs. We wound up finishing up six DVD releases in the span of just over 48 hours, and needless to say my voice is about shot. Some very good shows though... in this trip we polished off St. Paul, Chicago, East Windsor, and Manhattan as far as the ROH department is concerned. All four DVDs turned out quite well... particularly Manhattan. That venue looks incredible on camera, and is going to be insanely popular on DVD. We also did work on the September FIP events... that's right, September 2006. People bitching about the delay in time between when the FIP shows take place and when they come out on DVD will soon have nothing to be bitching about... as the newest shows are being released as soon as possible, while we play catch up on producing the DVDs of some of the earlier shows.

Incidentally, I find it hilarious how some people think they are experts concerning the work required to put together a DVD release for a promotion like ROH, or FIP, or SHIMMER. Pardon me while I rant. Between the screening of the raw footage to make sure all the right shots wind up being used in the edit, to the careful mixing of the various camera angles together, to adding the flashback segments and promos between specific matches, to positioning the graphics within the project, to doing preparation work for commentary on each match, to actually laying down the commentary on the footage, to proofing the final project before sending it off to be turned into a DVD, to the time it takes for the DVDs to be manufactured, and then be shipped to ROH... it's a fuckload of work to accomplish for all of the people involved in the process. Never mind finishing one DVD in a quick fashion... if you look at a month like August... there were shows in Long Island, Edison, Liverpool, Broxbourne, St. Paul, and Chicago. Add to that two FIP DVDs that need to be produced. Add SHIMMER Volume 5. Then add a Straight Shootin' Series release. That whole process described above needs to be completed for in the neighborhood of 9 or 10 DVDs in the span of four weeks time, yet some people think that there's plenty of extra time in there to, say, mix in additional camera angles, or different audio sources. They really have no clue. Not to mention the people required for this process do not all live in Tampa, where all of the production work is done, which means we have maybe two weekends in the span of the month to spend 3-5 days per shot working on all of these projects to get them churned out as quickly as possible. The rest of the time between those weekends is, you know, doing the actual live shows.

We just finished six DVDs in 3 days time, kids. Six DVDs. Two weeks ago, we did five other DVDs in the span of 4 days time, in an effort to get the Liverpool/Broxbourne and Long Island/Edison weekends finished up and sent off to get the DVDs made.

At the end of a production trip like the one we just completed, we're all unbelievably exhausted, but have done our best to get the product ready for everyone to check out on DVD as soon as it can be accomplished.

Time for me to not speak for the next day or two... and catch up on a LOT of sleep.
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