run it like a track meet

May 23, 2005 05:04

The vast majority of Sunday was spent sleeping (I think I got just over fifteen hours in one stretch), in an attempt to recover from an exhausting weekend.

I headed down to Tampa on Thursday for ROH production on the 5/7 Manhattan DVD. The event looked amazing on tape, and featured some excellent matches. This show marks my third play-by-play appearance on ROH home releases, and I'm slowly adapting my "commentary style" to fit ROH. I know that while some fans may enjoy the laid back and often "MST3K" feel of IWA-MS commentary (especially when it's Punk, Allison, or Trik on color), that sort of thing just doesn't cut it for important matches. My goal is to be more serious and focused on the ROH releases. I'm doing my best to expand my knowledge of the company's history and am studying all of the previous shows in an effort to improve my performance on future DVDs for them. We finished up at about 4:30am early Friday morning, and headed straight to the airport to catch a 6am flight back to Chicago (with a connection in Washington D.C. which meant no sleep on the plane).

Trik and Chandler picked me up from the airport, and from there we headed down to Salem, IN for the IWA-MS show. I got maybe an hour of sleep in the car, but remained basically a zombie all night long (I'm sure my performance on the Salem DVD is going to be, uh, interesting to listen to... hehe). I was finally able to catch a few hours of sleep at the hotel after the Salem show wrapped up.

Saturday afternoon was spent exploring the metropolis of Vincennes, IN. The show that evening had a roster of eleven wrestlers to work with (Ian and Punk were in NY for the Candido tribute show, and the Missouri crew had another booking), and the crowd was a little over thirty strong. Despite the circumstances, I think the show came together really well, and featured what may very well be a first in pro wrestling-- an impromptu 65+ minute eight man tag elimination match. James Gibson & Brandon Thomaselli & Trik Davis & Josh Abercrombie defeated Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer & Vito Thomaselli & Sal Thomaselli. Gibson wound up the sole survivor of the match, eliminating Jacobs at 65:20. All eight guys should be given a ton of credit for putting in the performance they did in front of such a small audience... and I think it'll look strong on tape.

Most of this week will be spent doing more ROH homework, in preparation for another weekend in Tampa... including two FIP shows, and a whole lot of voiceovers. I'm thinking another fifteen hours of sleep just before leaving on Thursday morning would be a wise move. :-)
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