Hello …. Is it me you’re looking for?

Apr 16, 2006 12:40

            Some great customer service stories have cropped up in the past month.  I think my favourite was a complaint I called “Control, control there’s a black man coming out of the floor”. This lady sends in a copmlaint and I phone her up to find out what happened. She begins to tell me a tale…a tale of two sales men at her door. One was “a well dressed, very good looking young gentleman.”, and the other was “this big, black bloke” who was causing all the problems.  Right about there in the conversation did I realize that this was a complaint I would be taking no further, but I did want to get the whole story. So I ask:

“How was he being intimidating ma’am?”

“He was standing there, not saying anything.”

“So he didn’t say anything to you?  Was he there observing, or did they mention something about a first day observation?”

“They did mention something like that. But he just stood there, this big black bloke,  being all quiet and standing behind the nice young man, and nobody intimidates me or my family like that!”

“Your family was there then ma’am?”

“No…but that’s not the point. People just can go around intimidating people like that!”

“Can I ask…was the other sales man a Caucasian male?”

“Oh yes, and he couldn’t have been nicer. Well dressed and well presented … good to look at too! But that big bla ...”

“Yes Ma’am, I know, the big, silent, dark skinned man who was intimidating you by doing nothing. Was he not dressed well then?”

“No he was dressed the same”

“I see. So, I just want to make sure I have the whole story here. Your complaint is that there was a black man in your yard?”


“You have a great day”


I was floored to hear that sort of crap, but couldn’t do anything other than tear up the complaint, laugh my ass off at how stupid some people can be, and move on.

Capeoira is awesome. I have missed martial arts so much in the past few years, and I feel like I am learning something so very new with my classes. My instructors are all very fit looking Brazilians, and are hilarious. They keep you laughing through the whole class, even when my lungs feel like they are going to explode, my heart is going to leap out of my chest, and I am going to puke cause I have been pushing so hard.  I am now up to 300 sit ups a day, in sets of 100, and am starting to get into the 400 - 500 range. With skating and climbing I am active at least 4 days a week in some serious exercise, and am feeling much the better for it. 6 pack here I come.

I have also been out enjoying myself when I can, and in the past month have gone out to numerous dinners and other social engagements. I went sailing a couple weeks ago, saw my first rugby game, went to Bondi beach for the first time, went to an out door movie festival,  and been to the art gallery and go jamming  with my friend Law once a weeks as well.  Like I said earlier … 100 miles an hour in 5 different directions.

I leave you now with a few pics from sailing and rugby to amuse and one that  may frighten.

Yo guys...where is the game?  I may have been drinking ....

Ya Harrrrrrrr!! Avast yea Land Lubbers! CAs toff and make too ... and all that.

An island in Sydney Harbour.  Sadly there was no buried treasure... I checked.

How choice is this!  After a hard day of pirating this is the Ice cream guy that comes fom boat to boat in the harbour. He even has the little dickie dee's ice cream bells.

  Okay so the pic is small, but let me tell you this sucker was big as.  That's a huntsman spider, and they can grow to be the size of your palm. Completely non lethal, but scary ass when you find one in te middle of the night im your bedroom. I caught this guy and them let him go outside the house.

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