Speaking of my recent interest in Hetalia... (the anime where the characters represent countries)
I was testing one of our client's mobile websites (m.buycostumes.com ...it's specifically made for smart phones) as a standard regression test and, after adding a random item - a funny wig - to the cart to test with, I decided to test the 'ship to another country' option on the cart page.
Ship to Australia. Worked fine. Let me try another random country. Lololol I'll ship it to Finny! Finland worked fine (and the shipping cost updated as it should). Let me try one last time... I know, I'll send it to Lithuania, lololololo-'Internal server error'.
Me: .... :( *had an instant thought of...:*
Russia: So you order pretty, funny-looking wig, yes? ^_^
Lil Latvia: uhm, uhm, well, yes, I did, but I thought it was a good idea for Lithy to have-
Lithuania: hdfsuflhdsifdshifuds-NoooooLatviaaaaa! @o@
Russia: *Evil twitch* .... ^_^. *Throws up error*
Anyway. *Created bug ticket* 'CAN NOT SEND TO LITHUANIA.' *refrained from adding "it will make him sad"*