So, got my KoFXIII game
The extended opening (aka,
"SP Opening" in the gallery mode) is pretty nice.
The story mode is apparently rather literal, lol... it's literally a novel - but in an odd 'choose your own adventure' way - you have several paths to take and depends on what character or team you choose at the beginning (different perspectives) and how - at interval fights - the fight outcome is.
I'd say its more intricate than Guilty Gear X2's story mode, but I havn't personally poked at it yet. I only get that sense in that your reading a whole lot, in novel-style writing - not just in dialogue/monologue.
Click to view
I didn't get to that point yet (to play the storymode) - I spent most of my play time in the practice mode, last night, trying to get used to the moves/controller. Unfortunatly, my excessive play time with Guilty Gear has left me slightly handicapped when playing Ash, though - I keep making the motion for one of Sol's moves (where he jumps off the side of the screen and flies across with a kick... I tend to use that in a "gtfaway from me :(") - however, the same directional combo makes Ash stand there and set up a green fireball a certain distance away... aka, sitting duck :( Also bad habit - because I used that particular combo motion (I believe it's down + back + heavy kick button... I just do it without thinking, now) for Sol's kick-off to get people away at mid to close range - I do that when people are mid to close range with Ash... And then a beat down occurs :(
Poor Ash.
Gotta retrain my hand. -_-
Only peeps I seem to do okay with, thus far, is Terry and Ash - gotta find my third person (since KoF goes in teams of three). I used to do okay with K', back when I played with people when I worked for Gameloft (not confused with Gamestop), but looks like my play style isn't compatible to his moveset, these days *Got ass royally kicked...*