Jul 23, 2006 16:05
i dont feel like im going to new york in 3 1/2 days..it just..duznt cuz usually when im going sumwhere on a plane its with the rest of my family and its this HUGE deal cuz we never go on vacations so my moms always bringing it up and talking about the plane ride and stuff like that-but honestly right now i totally keep forgetting that we're actually doing the whole..going through an airport and getting on an airplane thing....so it feels REALLY awesome when i remember..but im scared at the same time-im not good @ airports..i mean im fine when im with my parents cuz they usually take care of everything for me....but i never know when to have my ticket out or my id or..whatever-its just crazy
and i dont know what to pack. i dont wanna look like a loser and pack a HUUUUUUGE suitcase-i mean i know my sister will but....i just dont want to NOT bring something--cuz ive never been there
im SOOOOOO xcited tho-one of my friends just got back from new york and it was really xciting talking about it with her-and the best part about this WHOOOLE thing....is that im not going with my family--i mean im going with meg..but somehow-thats totally different :-) we're with a bunch of friends and im REALLY super xcited...like...crazy!
----neway----i got a call from the boy in my icon yesterday :-D YAAAAAY i felt so loved lol-he invited me to his concert on august 4th which you should ALLLLLLLL go to!!!! its @ 4 seasons sk8 park--but ya i FINALLY made picture cds from the rock against hungers for them-i felt SOO bad cuz they kept asking me for them like-thru email or something..but whenever i remembered i was like-half asleep or somewhere not @ home or i was leaving soon....so FINALLY after work today i MADE myself go thru all the good pictures and i burned them on to freakin 3 cds---lucky bastards..they're lucky i like them :-P lol neway-so i brought them to scott today.
so..that was pretty much a pointless story--but...oh well lol :-)
~ATTN: LOOONG AND BORING STORY! i find it QUITE amusing cuz i was there-but you might not~
and oh ya! erics a DUMBASS...so last night-we were @ jenns bonfire for her birthday-and l8r in the nite he starts bringing out these bottles full of gas/oil when i took away his torch fluid cuz he was pouring it on the fire and making it shoot up...so he brings one out and it pops a little and w/e..and then later he brought out 2 more-and gave one to nate miller-well....this was after i specifically told him NOT to do that cuz..it would definately blow up and hurt somebody----neway nate throws it in the fire neway and it BURSTS and im pretty close to the fire so i fall backwards in my chair so as to not get hit by it and jenn and erics mom comes out and is like...PISSED...their mom is already PSYCHO! but shes like PISSED! and shes like 'WHO DID THAT' and nates like..i did-and shes like 'you're gone' and hes like ..all calm and stuff 'okay-sorry about that carol' and shes like 'if you were sorry you wouldnt have done it' LOL and then erics like 'mom..calm down' okay..hes SOOO stupid! II know his mom better than that-she does NOT stand for that shit! lol so shes like-'and ERIC! GO.TO.BED.get out of here' and hes like 'wut did i do'...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucker he fucking got sent to bed. @ 11:30..hes definately 17 years old...loser.
he called me the other day-btw-rite after he sent me a text the night before that said 'if you hate me so much-stop texting me' he called me to hang out. ummmmmmmmmmmm. ya~the end~