Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks

Apr 07, 2014 13:02

This is a very busy 6th Doctor story. In many ways the Doctor is only a piece of a much larger story.

The story takes place at Tranquil Repose, a funeral home on the planet Necros. In addition to the Doctor and Daleks this episode also has Davros, a DJ for the dead, a Don Quixote type assassin, and more.

Taken as a whole the story doesn't work but some of the individual elements are great. Unfortunately due to the length of the story and the amount of material, characters, and plots most of the elements don't get much room to breathe.

The documentary included on the DVD (Revelation Exhumed) is a lot of fun, runs about 45 minutes long, and includes interviews with a number of cast and crew members.

I taped this when it aired on Channel 26 (or maybe 32) back in the late 1980s and subsequently watched it a number of times. Bits and pieces of the story came back to me as I watched the DVD. It didn't live up to my memory of it but it was fun to reminisce and the extras on the DVD made it worth the my time and money.

doctor who, daleks, television

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