I've given up on internet dating web sites. I feel like I've done more than dip my toe in the pool and want to move on. So I shut down or deleted all my profiles. I feel a certain sense of relief doing so. No more worrying if people recognize me from my pictures on date-a-rama.com or whatever. Never say never but I don't see myself going back any time soon.
I'm in the process of watching
The Nomi Song for the second time. This time with the commentary track. There's a ton of extras that I want to work my way through but I seem to be dragging my feet. Why? I don't know. I really liked the movie. What a performer. So different. I loved the movie for that reason, and a few others. Its a shame how things turned out in the end.
I first heard about The Nomi Song on
Soundcheck, a couple years ago. It intrigued me and I eventually got around to renting it but I still had to force myself to sit down and watch it. It just didn't look like my sort of thing from the DVD menus. Ironically, I couldn't pull myself away from the movie once I started watching it. How silly of me to try and judge a movie by the DVD menus. :P
I've started rereading
Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny. I first read it when I was in high school. I think I am going to need a score card to keep track of the royal family: nine princes and four princesses, at last count. Its a fun light read. One thing that cracks me up about it is some of the descriptions. The scene where Corwin and his sister Flora sit down for a meal is a good example. For some reason I was amused that they had steak and beer. There's something about that combination that reminded me of my days playing Dungeons and Dragons. I'm not sure if it says more about the writer or the time that the book was written.
Anyhow, it is a nice light read. It is the first book in a series of five, which is followed by another series of five. I think I've read all ten books, but I can't remember. I'm sure I read the first five and at least the first couple books in the second series.