(no subject)

Jun 23, 2008 17:32

hey! i'm in q.c. manila, philippines for a couple weeks. my cousin got married yesterday and i'm spenidng some time with a lot of family i have never had a chance to meet. it's so beautiful here. we arrived the day of typhoon frank. i think they are just calling it that here, the rest of the world knows it as typhoon feng shen. i will try to post some pictures when i get back. my cousins wedding was amazing. there were some 700 people there. it was at the shengri-la, which is a beautiful hotel/resort in makati. it's 5 am right now. I still haven't adjusted to the time differance. i will be fucked tomorrow when i wake up with a headache. one of my cousins works for japan air lines and is going to pull so strings so i can spend some extra time there during my stop over. how is everyone? i haven't talked to a lot of you in a while so please, comment back. lets talk.
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