(no subject)

May 29, 2007 13:52

So I've been in a really crappy mood for the past couple of days and I'm not really sure why. I'm not sure why I'm wriitng all of this in my livejournal for all to see, as I'm sure in a couple of days I'll be able to look back on this and think "What the hell was I thinking when I wrote that entry?" Despite this, I continute to write this. I'm just stuck at Princeton, and as much fun as I can kind of have sometimes, it sucks. That's probably because I don't think that any of my friends here compare to those that I have at home, not necessarily because they aren't as good people, but just because I feel like there's not really anyone here that i cna really confide in and depend on. I also feel like I'm putting people up on pedestals again, which is always bad news. I need to cut it out. I do have a knack for putting myself in awkward situations though. It sucks a lot. Btu I can't wait for the summer, and think it's going to be awesome. YAH!
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