May 06, 2013 20:06
it's weird when you tell the tales of your life and people don't believe you. i suppose i should look at that as a weird, indirect compliment...i guess. i was stabbed in the stomach last week and i realistically would probably have died if it was an inch deeper or to the left/right. once again, sort of hard to be an atheist sometimes. i managed to only tell people in person, until the singer of my band put up a statement on our facebook. next thing you know, i'm the most famous voodoo doll in hardcore. people saying it didn't happen and what not, it's amazing what some people will do to try and discredit you out of jealousy. i've done little in my life that wasn't aimed to directly help others and it's a shame that someone that i've looked out for multiple times has the audacity to call me a liar, while at the same time making up and spreading lies about me. on top of that, trying to hold things against me that aren't even true (where i live, what i do for a living, etc...). Such things are said on the internet hours after we had been with each other in person. i react to such things online and i'm the one that's in the wrong? i try to talk directly to the person and they threaten to call the cops. and this is a person with "street justice" tattooed on them? Blocks me from seeing or replying to his rants and our mutual friends act like it's ok because he's basically mentally handicapped.
all i know is i'm the realest person alive. will only ever by that way. will never involve cops or threaten to. will never make threats to anyone, no matter what you've heard. I will always face my problems and admit if i am wrong. it's impossible to back me into a corner because i think about everything i say. i will have lived more of a gangster life than most will ever comprehend but you'll never know it. I've had hardships that you couldn't fathom but you don't know that because i don't where my problems on my sleeve for the world to see. you'll never know what it's like to depend on drugs that you can't by on the corner. you'll never know what it's like to watch the world judge you for no reason while you complain about being judged for the choices you've made. it's a shame that you don't know me at all, because i'm a pretty amazing person.