Apr 02, 2009 11:35
A sad day today as Leon Walker is laid to rest. I'm sure it has been a harrowing occasion, but also one that will stand as a reminder of the essential goodness of so many people involved in our game.
Take Leon's dad Steve, for instance. Even he struggled to come to terms with the worst thing that can happen to a parent, his thoughts were with the Celtic Crusaders player involved in the tackle.
Now I don't know the name of the player, I don't want to know it and if I did I wouldn't use it. But I do know from my inquiries that he has taken comfort from what Steve Walker said about him being in no way responsible.
On one level, he must have known that perfectly well himself, but coming from the lad's father it must mean a great deal more.
Just as luck would have it, it was another Leon who stole the show on the field on Friday night. Leon Pryce, fresh from a court appearance at which he was warned that he could well go to prison after admitting assault charges, seemed blithely unaffected as he scored three tries in a man of the match display.
His very presence had already prompted a phone call from our football coorespondent, who devoted most of his Monday column to asking what rugby league was playing at, allowing him to play on under those circumstances. In football, he assured me, pryce's feet would not have touched the ground.
I suppose that's true, and since Leon's plea the old line about 'innocent til proven guilty' no longer applies. The RFL's view is that the court case should take its course - as it has already done in the instance of Ben Cockayne.
In Australia, players like Brent Stewart have been 'stood down' on suspicion. By comparison, our blokes are treated with kid gloves.