May 23, 2005 20:18
Heard weezers new CD? I love weezer just as much as the next person, but after paying 12.99 for what I thought would be another glorious music experience, I was greatly disaapointed. Weezer, why have you betrayed us so?! It is ridicuosly fluffy, oh dear.
"The time has come," the walrus said, "to speak of many things."
Like: Summer, and the possibilities it holds. Three days, and I can not wait for my cleansing day. I'v been putting off a lot of things for that day, and it just keeps building.
Cheers for another highschool year come and gone, for new enlightening music, for new friends, and for old ones. Cheers for beautiful writing, for license's, and for a much awaited freedom. Cheers for new love, for uncertainty, and for discovery. Cheers for learning to let the past go, for a new understanding of what the future holds, and for figuring out what I want to do for the rest of my life or for today. Cheers for new dates, for tears only a best friend can cure, and for in between notes. Cheers for long walks, for rain showers, and for this nat-infested day.
My brother got in a car accedent yesterday, he is fine and the other driver is fine, just shook up. My grandpa is down for awhile, he has cancer. But should be fine after his surgery.
ps I finished my patchwork skirt, though i can't walk very well in it, it is a start for my new clothing line :D