The Last of the Steampunks

Mar 28, 2009 15:12

Well for now. I'm pretty much out of things to modify.

I wasn't entirely happy with the buttons on the 15" monitor, so I bought some nice buttons, filed off the loops at the back and glued them on.

Since the last update I've also completed the 19" monitor.

Using some gold paint and the last of the Fablon I've painted the back of the 19" Samsung and covered the front with the wood effect. Rather than using the rest of the copper pipe I decided to do something different with the base, as I'm not going to be using this one other than in landscape.

I've done something slightly different with this. The frame at the front is in two separate pieces, so I'm making it look as though its had something more interesting done with veneer, rather than solid blocks of wood. The grain points towards the monitor, and there's an inner border as well as corner pieces.

And now for the base...

Over last weekend I got hold of a bookshelf and a bit of 6"x6" contiboard left over, and promptly went at it with the dremel. I'm going for a slightly different look on this one. Under the plastic shell of the central "stem" of the base is a metal plate that I attach to the base using a thumbscrew and two bolts. (The original unit just used the thumbscrew, and the holes for the bolts held screws that attached the plastic shell). I'm using small drawer handles for feet. This set up wobbled a bit more than I was happy with, so I attached the rear half of the plastic shell and that acts as a wedge keeping it stable. The little brassed screw cup washers look rather nice I think

Taking (well blatantly stealing really) inspiration from the Von Slatt "Empire Line" style monitor I decided to give the base a marble and brass finish. A rummage on the internet finds a set of PDFs of a variety of marbles. I prefer set 1, and thought this pale grey was nicest. Print it off, cut it out, glue it on.

Brass angle round the edges hides any mismatches or imperfections in the corners, but the pattern generally looks fine when folded around the corners. The silver painted plastic at the back doesn't look that bad either- though it is largely hidden anyway.

Finished and reattached to the screen.

And Lo. It was Done.

Two views of the completed desktop set.

Yes. that is a periodic table mug you can see in the corner. And the china Parasaurolophus is a cream jug. Don't ask.

monitors, mods, 'puters, modern technology is rubbish, steampunk

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