P4CM, misinformed, ignorant, and smug about it

Feb 04, 2009 15:20

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"Charles Darwin wasn't a scientist but a theologian"

Darwin did indeed study theology- but then so everyone who didn't take medicine. At the time Cambridge offered two degrees- Medicine or Divinity. And aside from natural selection Darwin wrote one of the definitive works on barnacles and worked out how coral reefs formed. That makes him a scientist, regardless of what he read at university. By this reasoning Margaret Thatcher is a chemist. Oh, and Darwin lost his faith after he came up with Natural Selection, not before.

"No transitional forms"

Pakicetus, Ambulocetus, Rhodocetus, Basilosaurus, Dorudon, and just today Maiacetus. And that's just the whales I can think of off the top of my head.

"The cell is one of the simplest units of living matter"

Life spent the first 2 billion years as bacteria. It took a very long time to get that complex. Oh and stop it with the "Chance and time" bollocks. Evolution IS NOT A RANDOM PROCESS!!" Mutation is random. Selection is non-random.

"irreducible complexity"

Oh crap she's discussing Behe's flagella stuff. The flagella is developed from the Type 3 Excretory system present in a variety of other bacteria. Has she never heard of the phrase "pulling yourself up by your bootlaces"? Because that's how evolution works.

"Wake up and acknowledge God created you"

Hail the All-Father! Oh sorry not the god you were referring to? How about Queztzalcoatl? Not him either? Bacchus? Tiamat? Ra? Crom? Azathoth? Geoff?

The video comes from the "Passion for Christ Movement". Note the Ex-Atheist T-shirt she's wearing. Coupling the standard creationist nonsense with their "Ex-Homosexual" T-shirts,and the "your body is something to be ashamed of" cant tells you everything you need to know about these people I think.

H/T to Pharyngula and Feministing

religion, bad science, science, rants

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