Heartily sick of that sidebar with all those sponsored ads that even AdBlock won't get rid of? I think I've found a solution.
A Greasemonkey script called
"Remove Facebook Right Column". Which does exactly what it says on the tin. Gets rid of the "people you might know" section, which, frankly I never used as it cluttered up the screen with people I didn't actually know at all.
And at the same time I found
"Facebook Fixed Header" and
"Older posts bar always on bottom" which together do something you'd have though FB would have put in from the start wouldn't you? After all if you're at the bottom of the timeline chances are you might want to extend it, rather than hovering about trying to get the thing to pop up. And why have a header with a search bar, and all the other tools disappear off the top that can be so far up?
LJ does this too. Why? Surely we've moved past the days when frames in websites were loathed so universally?