A Non-Fictional Book
Just the one? But there are so many more books that are real than ones that aren't. Um. I'm going to take this to mean "Non-Fiction book", I'm going to recommend Mike Everhart's Oceans of Kansas, a book that owes much to
his website of the same name. There are lots of lovely photos of specimens, the spectacularly weird pterosaur Nyctosaurus, which has no fingers- and
just look at that crest, mosasaurs that were clearly eaten by sharks,
Sabre toothed "herring",
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Ctrl+Enter to post"birds with teeth", and one of the largest turtles ever.
Each chapter begins with a little fictional vignette of life in the Kansas Seaway, describing moments in the life (and death) of its inhabitants, and several are backed up with fossil evidence (the famous
fish-within-a-fish fossil for instance) Its wonderfully illustrated by
Dan Varner, and I recommend it to everyone with an interest in fossils. More importantly its not a technical book, so everyone can enjoy it.
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