Our next president will have to realize what George Bush never has: that this war must be fought decisively, or it will be lost inevitably. We are not now on a path to winning this war. Churchill once said, “You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.” It’s time to end the “everything else” stage. - Jed Babbin, deputy undersecretary of defense in President George H.W. Bush's administration.
I read the New Yorker article, which was vastly different from the cover dipction in that it was quite informative and well-written - though its hard to deny the elements of criticism contained within. To sum up: Obama is not an anti-establishment candidate, he's a meticulous and brilliant politician who has learned from his mistakes in his failed campaigns in Illinois quickly - quickly enough to become the Presidental Nominee six years from those failed campaigns, naivety and obscurity. To a certain extent, I feel like Obama isn't an anti-establishment candidate, nor has he portrayed himself as one. A Washington outsider, sure. But its hard to deny that regardless of any technical details or specific quotes, his campaign slogan certainly evokes the image of the underdog, the idealism, Change and Hope, and all the other exciting qualities of someone who isn't part of the system. The attack that can be built from this detailed article aim at deflating Obama from hero to simple opportunist. Because, as the article states: "Heroes are not elected President." An awesome statement, and one of the most acute truths of American politics.
Which is all moot in the context of Jed Babbin's comments. The hawks still circle overhead. There's oil to be spilled. Bush is pushing for ANWR for that golden egg of American gratification, even though experts seem to state the obvious: "If we were to drill today, realistically speaking, we should not expect a barrel of oil coming out of this new resource for three years, maybe even five years, so let's not kid ourselves," (Fadel Gheit, oil and gas analyst with Oppenheimer & Co. Equity Capital Markets Division). But CNN points out the profits:
Candida Scott, an oil industry researcher at Cambridge Research Associates, said oil needs to be priced at $60 a barrel or more to justify deep-shelf drilling. With oil now selling for $145 a barrel, companies are almost assured of profiting from offshore drilling, Scott said.
Of course, that's the actual effect of drilling on the market - not on the futures market that's been targeted by Congress, and who knows how they'd react to ANWR. If the Republicans actually believe the shit about free market balance and judgement, the impact would still be minimal as oil exploration and extraction is not a quick process. If they're as insane as most people believe they are, the market would spike in some unrealistic temporary bubble, and by the time Obama got into office we'd have some coverup of an oil spill by a newly-appointed majority shareholder named Bush or Cheney or Baker or some shit while oil crept into the $5/gallon. Another beer for
more good times. Why do we need to drill ANWR for the little-to-no impact on oil futures? For a society that doens't seem to take energy conservation seriously at $4/gallon... Seems like the squeeze isn't quite tight enough for the common White voter...
I shouldn't forget to mention Kirtsen Powers'
latest article about how stupid everyone but Liberal Bloggers are:
"One top liberal blogger opined last week that Obama's drop in a recent Newsweek poll resulted from his vote for a compromise on FISA, the intelligence surveillance law. Ridiculous: The average American voter can't describe what FISA is"
Well, fuck you too you rotten bitch. T. Boone Pickens can afford ads offering environmental options to his oilman credibility while supporting the meaningless 527 groups like Swift Boats - for which he offered up a $1 million dollar prize for anyone who could prove it all was false. Then of course refused to pay out that sum when the verterans were exposed as joining onto a Republican front. The idealism of the ends justify the means. But I digress, he married some girl who fucked a race horse.
And this all really devolves after a few beers into the muddled reality of this campaign with John McCain: "an Associated Press reporter asked McCain to comment on a report that U.S. exports to Iran had increased tenfold during the last seven years -- with cigarettes ranking as the top export.
"Maybe that's a way of killing them," McCain responded." And why not? This is where Republicans shine: take that basal generalization of fear and dumb hatred and turn it into a bad joke that'll jostle the jowels of the deepest, most isolated Republican base. Shit, John, the Iranians that DO smoke American cigarettes are the ones who probably fucking favor a westernized Iran. But, OK, let's kill em all. I assume that'll be FREE, right? Just storm those goddamn freedomoil fields - For America! My old roomate put it accurately - its not the joke, its the fact that you're sick enough to think up this shit. To wit: Jasper Oppenheimer, the writer behind some seriously offensive music, decrees that John McCain is a member of the Lambs of Abortion.
The further Obama places his flag into history, the more those hawks will decend, looking for fresh meat and the weak and fallen. Pluck the failures from the withering trees of tolerance. Their wicked, screaching calls of "Fuck them" echoing from shore to oil-soaked shit-infested shore just outside the white-wall suburb. We need guns.