warning: emo ahead

Nov 05, 2006 01:12

i'm confused.

now i'm aware that for most of you readers out there this is not an especially unusual observation. it's rather like announcing that i breathe. or that i eat.

but redundant or not...that's kinda where i am.

i do activities i don't really care about.

all the work i do is half-assed, if that (i think a lot of it is definitely more on the quarter- or eighth-assed side).

i can't put my all into anything i do, because there's just too much of it.

i'm just kinda...going through the motions. i don't feel like i'm really accomplishing anything.

i'm not depressed, really. this sounds a lot whinier and more obnoxious/emo than i actually feel.

i'm just sorta...lost.
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