Jul 19, 2004 23:35
Well, today was supposed to be day one for "The Big Job Hunt", but I didn't go anywhere. Ah, what can I say? I chickened out. Well, that and a host of other very well-thought-out excuses, but I won't waste the bandwidth. I'm scared. Period.
One of my biggest problems, I think, is that I don't see myself as posessing any really valuable skills. And I KNOW that isn't really true given the training I've had and my education right now, but I don't know. I picture myself walking into a place, having them look at my resume and telling me "Well, we could use someone to sweep up..." In other words, I'm worthless.
Anyway, so God willing, tomorrow will be "Day One" and I have a list of places to go to. Maybe something will come of it.
I feel so much like some big stupid loser that's trying to appear better than they actually are. Several times today I caught myself thinking that maybe I can just MAKE myself like my current job. That's not exceptable, though.
So, tomorrow I'll be all dressed up and running through the North side. Pray for me, please. All of you. And if you don't believe in prayer, then just sent positive thoughts my way if you would.