Dec 19, 2006 17:43
One of my friends sent an email paraphrasing the "listen to this; it'll change your life" scene from Garden State, which prompted this email in reply.
Songs which have changed my life:
1) "The End" by The Doors - hearing this in the intro to Apocalypse Now inspired me to buy my first CD - The Doors' self-titled album.
2) "Night Moves" by Bob Seger - inspired me to learn to play guitar.
3) "Mr. Jones" by The Counting Crows - turned me on to Bob Dylan, and by extension music. "August and Everything After" was the first CD I really listened the shit out of (damn sentences ending in prepositions - the first CD out of which's shit I really listened ... fuck!).
4) The entire album "OK Computer" by Radiohead.
5) "She's a Jar" by Wilco - opened the door to indie rock for me.
EDIT: I'm going to add:
6) "Moonshiner" by Uncle Tupelo - this turned me on to the idea of traditional songs, which opened me to folk, roots music, bluegrass, etc.
It's debatable whether any of these actually "changed my life," I guess except to the extent to which music is part of my life now (I didn't listen to music in high school). Of course, Natalie Portman has never asked me to listen to anything.