Apr 20, 2009 10:47
(Testing the Dreamwidth Crossposter, like a good beta tester)
I would love to have, for my work laptop screensaver, a 3D fly-through of the notional internet. You know, there could be a giant Google-branded pyramid in the center and millions of little Google-branded spiders crawling all over everything. 4chan would be a swirling vortex of suck, and Apple's tower would all be shiny and elegant. Dreamwidth could be a small collection of huts out on the frontier, while you could watch LiveJournal getting picked up and moved from place to place. Microsoft would be this massive hodge-podge of components, all with the same blue paint job, but still looking like it could collapse in on itself at any moment.
And then I could sit there and pretend that I'm hacking the planet like they did in all those bad 90s movies about hacking the planet.
That would be awesome