Your Semi-Annual Update

Jun 08, 2006 17:47

Or so it feels, anyway.

So what's been going on?

My son took his first real, unassisted steps the other day. Very wobbly, but quite definite. I'm sure for a while he'll continue to think it easier to sit down and crawl to his intended destination, but... deep breath here we go.

I've been working at home quite a bit lately, which has been nice, sort of. With shaws_ghoti visiting, we kept the boy home all last week and had a pretty good time doing it. My brother took some pictures, and if you click on his attractive LJ link in the previous sentence, you should be able to find some. I'll post some of my own, maybe this weekend.

And speaking of which, my little man turns one tomorrow. Party at my place Saturday.

In other work news, I traded in my four-times handed-down laptop for a new (to me) Motion Computing M1400 tablet. A little long in the tooth, but very solid. I don't do a lot of hardcore PC gaming or anything, so I'm about the last person who needs stunning graphics or raw number-crunching power.

The rest of my free time has been eaten up with writing and watching Detroit Tigers baseball. I'm still on track with the serial project, and I have to give fairmer a big shout-out for helping with the pre-reading. You the bomb, girl, and all that. The project itself has been going fairly well, and I'm really getting into a writing rhythm, at least as far as these little chunks go. It's tempting to just keep rambling and rambling, without any discernable arc to the story, but I know I can't do that, and I think that's going to be part of the learning curve for this whole experiment. Everybody is welcome to give me feedback, positive or negative. You know, other than, "What a waste of time, Dave."

And that's it for now. Hopefully I'll post something again before December.

work, baseball, tony, writing

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