There's a comic book series currently being published by Vertigo entitled "Fables" which my friend Colin introduced me to last year. Pretty good. Pretty good. The premise, in the broadest terms, is that all the old fables and fairy-tales and legends and such of all the cultures of earth are in some sense true; the characters are all real people who
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Mind you, this makes my analogy that much more hillarious in-context. I've got to see if he has some official forum or something where I can post this without the PPS at the end. See how he and/or his supporters react.
It's a shame that he can't go as completely and as awesomely batshit loco as Dave Sim did, towards the end of Cerebus. Did you hear about that one?
You should repost there. :)
Actually, I think I'll do it tomorrow, since I'm gonna want to watch the thread in real time. You can be sure I'll post the link to it here when I do, though, so you can watch the craziness unfold.
On Sim's Glamourpuss, I saw the first issue preview he sent out and couldn't believe how bad it was. Just a really bad, nearly unreadable book. Looks like he has made it to issue #5 though and called in favors for "Zombie covers" for issue #4. This from a guy doing public readings of the King James Bible at night. There are videos on YouTube of him after Conventions holding prayer and bible studies. I say holding, because Dave is the center of attention despite it all being for the glory of the "lord".
Somehow, this actually surprises me, though I'm not exactly sure why. There was something about the tone of his ranting which reeked of self-involvement which I guess seems out of place in terms of the sort of absolute submission which christianity demands. He seems like he should be one of those creepy Ayn Rand types, you know?
"Personally, I try not to listen to what other people have to say about a book to the extent of allowing them to make my choices for me. I put off reading "Ayn Rand the Nazi" for years because that was the way she was presented to me. When I finally read THE FOUNTAINHEAD and ATLAS SHRUGGED it was an object lesson in not letting people make my decisions for me. I disagree with Ayn Rand in many ways and on many subjects but she has too many valid thought-provoking points to dump her in a box with Hitler and Goebbels and say "Case closed.""
So, I guess I was at least part right.
Mike Baron recently wrote a article on how much he adores Ayn Rand now.
It was linked to by several comic professionals with agreements on their Facebook pages.
I'm actually surprised at all this stuff I've never heard about the guy. He's schizophrenic now? That's bizarre; it seldom emerges that late in life. I mean, I knew about all the crazy misogyny, but the crazy religious stuff and mental disorder stuff is something I was unaware of, and I would have thought I would hear before now. So odd.
From Jeff Smith:
I'm looking for some of the other interviews with his ex-wife and such.
It really does become increasingly clear why so many people who work in the industry just treat him as a source of horror and sorrow and simply refuse to have anything to do with him. This guy is fucking tragic.
Totally agree with you. Dave has become a sad waste of talent.
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