So here's something I've been meaning to do for some time now. I want to see if I can start a little tradition here which I would like to call "Share the Wealth Wednesdays."
No sharing of material wealth is implied here, though; fear not! But rather, your wealth of experience, knowledge, and LINKS. Throughout the week, we all accumulate this vast pile of neat stuff we've found on the web, which we share with our friends and stuff, but otherwise mostly just sit on. What I propose is that each wednesday, I start a post like this one, where I share something neat I've found, and all of you do likewise.
Theoretically, by Wednesday night, there should be thirty or so NEAT THINGS to check out, and thus this and previous Share the Wealth Wednesdays will serve as a repository of awesomeness to be referred back to during times of boredom or pique.
And naturally, discussion of these neat things can also occur.
I do not intend that there be any specificity in what constitutes a neat thing. It can be anything at all that can be shared with the click of a mouse. Music. A flash video. A webcomic. Whatever. Go nuts. Just provide a name, a link, and a brief description. Allow me to begin thus:
This is Oglaf. A sporadically-updated but always-hillarious webcomic which deals with fantasy settings, usually - though not always - with some sexual element (to the extent that some of it could practically constitute pornography) in a consistently clever way. That's a rare fucking combination right there; fantasy, sex and comedy which is actually GOOD. And as you can see in the above strip, the author doesn't rely upon cheap thrills to sell the comic, which speaks volumes to his skills. Or hers. I'm not actually sure; the author of this site is a little more anonymous than most webcomic artists, honestly.
But anyways ! There's my contribution! Let's see yours!
Share the wealth!