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Oct 04, 2005 12:37

in school again, its weird how i update only in school mostly, well maybe cause i get bored. ha. uhhh baddd day today failing 2 classes, but luckly i got one of my f's to a c+ in science, i had to talk with doc white cause he fucked up and never put lie any of my grades in cause i was sick and now he realized he messed up and fixed it so now im happy. i had to make up a english test in the library i cheated haha she nevr said you cant bring your books with you but i purposly got some wrong just cause i didnt want to get 100 and then she gets all funky about it and suspects things. and yeah so..uhh sience test tommrow AHHHH godd and more worksheeetsss ahh i hate them x48357943 damn folder work. DIE DIE DIE. i wore my dino scarf hah everyone was like aww i want it. and im like nah nah. hah some girl started a random coversation with me and was like hii and im like hello and she goes my name is jasmine whats yours and i was really pissed so i was rude and said and i dont care. ha but i dont know if she heard me she started it in the hall and i was a floor above her and yeah it was akward and i was bitchy. but now im ok. i tried to cheat off my history test but i kinda did cause my teachers are whores i would switch out but its soo easy and i wanna just pass with good grades so yeah. thats it. uhh im going home on the bus but with anna cause i love her and shes the shit and then i have adaptation auditions tonight and i dint prepare and i only have some song stuck in ym mind and it sucks i dont like to sing but since it just alone with the director and me soo i wont be that nervous, but yeha im really excited i wanna make it and not just the fucking chorus, cause if i do im not doing i hate being in ensomble, it suckssss. yeah now a computer class is coming and i have to go go go go.
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