Read Gideon's tweet on how he will never read the title "Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha" the same way again after finishing the book, with a :'( at the end of the tweet. That actually changed my perception of it, from a dull and boring book to a book that's gonna bring me some surprises. So I actually told myself that alright, I'm going to finish the book.
But guess what? It's been 3 days I've told myself that but I haven't even got a chance to read another page of it. Okay, not that I haven't got the chance, but I just haven't read it.
Told myself I'll read it on the bus to town and so I brought it out. A few minutes before boarding 190, guess what I've decided to do instead? Haha yes, this.
Later la....... I haven't blogged for 2 days you know. I'm feeling uneasy. Haha oh and I actually found someone who's just like me - blogging has become part of our lives so much so that not blogging is just unnatural for us.
Kinda wish this would translate into my attitude towards reading though. I can't help but to be in awe of Thaddeus when he speaks with such great knowledge and so I asked, "how do you know so much?". Alex who was at the side replied, "It comes from reading, my dear". I want to be like this too, but... :(
Anyway, enough about books for now. Time to blog about hmm.. what I actually wanted to blog about but never had the time to in the past 2 days?
Saturday morning I was just thinking over what Mavis said to me on Friday night. I realized, what she said wasn't only reflected through the way I run towards my goals, not just in the way I treat people and not just in the way I pay attention to criticisms and overlooking the compliments, it can actually be seen in the way I shop as well. Haha I realize recently that a lot of guys shop more than I do. Most of the time when I walk through shopping malls, the selectivity of my perception actually blocks out everything else other than the path to walk on. The only time I really shop is when I'm back in Ipoh and a sum of money is given to me to get some new clothes. Other than that, there aren't many times when I find myself with the idea of "I have to get something", so usually I'll only go to malls when I need something specific and my eyes will be tuned to spot that thing.
I know, they always "you're like a guy leh" bit okay lor, haha whatever lor, this way of shopping isn't that bad what. I save money you know. Haha it's really a lot of money cos each time I actually shop right, I'll spend over a hundred in a day. And no eh, it's not on a lot of things; sometimes it's actually quite good if I can even get 3 things with that amount of money, most other times it's 2? Lol I spend a lot >.< And the fact that it's hard for me to actually find something I like just ends me up with something that I really like but it's so new/good that it's one of the most expensive items in the shop. And I'll go "... but I really like it... I really really like it... nothing else will captivate me the same way even if I were to go on with the hunt..." and then I'll buy it.
Oh well, so I guess it actually balances everything. Imagine if I shop as much as Celine or Anne does, and each time I shop that happens, hurhurhur.
Oh and guess what, haha that wasn't exactly what I had set out to blog about. Lol WX is back, posting long random stuff oops.
Anyway that morning, my alarm clock rang at 7am and I woke up, had a light breakfast and then baked some brownies for Anne. Decided that since I was going to bake, I might as well bake some for my aunts as well since some of them were kind enough to sponsor part of my trip to Cambodia. So in the end, I was really late in meeting Anne for lunch >.<
As usual, the girl never fails to put me down even when I pour my love, my whole soul and blood and whatever there is into doing things for her. Walau eh, made calendar for her before she left last year WHEN I WAS STILL IN YEAR 6 (I took lotsa time out to complete that okay! And I totally suck at art, so imagine the courage and determination I summoned to complete that) and she complained about my glue-spam and now she hiam the brownies which I woke up early in the morning to bake even though I went to bed at 3am the previous night...
But well, at least it's just brownies this time. I actually wanted to make another calendar for her but after thinking for months on how I can improve on it and still couldn't come up with much ideas, I decided that I should just bake her brownies and forget about everything else. This shortens days of commitment into an hour of I-don't-know-what-you-call that, but yea.
Time flies when you are having fun, quoting from R. The difference between spending time with Anne and when R said that is that I truly mean what I say. Was having lunch with her in macs and just talking, and time went by in a flash.
Went to church together and... haha I could see that Patrice made an attempt to save me from embarrassment by asking for Anne's name when she knew about her a long time ago even before she's back so that Anne will not ^o) me or get freaked out. Haha doesn't matter even if she sees this. There's nothing for me to hide from her anyway, unlike someone who thinks that lies are essential in any relationships. But anyway, hahaha that whole 3 hours or so, she had people coming up to her going "Are you Anne? Wan Xuan always talks about you." I think it scared her? Haha idk, all I know is that if I could, I would have dug a hole underground and put my head in. Thank God for Jon though, for not giving me away >.<
Haha and after talking to Christabel that day and after talking to Yardy today, I realize that people who reads my blog actually takes note of the names appearing on it. I was shocked when Yardy mentioned Calida, Thaddeus and Anne today.
It was quite a cool day. There were so many God-incidences!
1. Before we left for lunch, I was in Anne's room convincing her to let me pray for her before she flies off on Wednesday. Haha before she came back, I told myself that I must catch her and pray for her at least once.
She refused to let me do so la. So after a while, I told her "never mind! If I'm "lucky", I'll have a chance to pray for you later." I seriously didn't know anything beforehand k. All I had on my mind when I decided to say that was if God wills for me to pray for her, then I will have my chance.
At the start of service, we were actually supposed to pray in our LG but since I couldn't find any of them, Leon got us to join them. It started off with a group prayer and then we were told to pair up. I turned to her with that ^^ face, hurhur seems like I was "lucky" enough. Haha please, if I brought a friend there but leave her to be on her own when everyone else is in pairs/groups, it's just going to make things more awkward for her la. But oh well, she pushed me away so I decided to just pray for her on my own.
Then next round of prayer came and we were supposed to pray as a LG for reaching out to others. But Leon told me, "I think it's better if the 2 of you pray together". I wasn't as =D as I did the first time cos I was like "Reaching out? How to pray for her on that?!". Then we struggled a little but I finally got her to calm down and let me pray for her.
Hehe God is good =D
2. On our way to church, she was telling me about her close friends in RGPS and how they lost touch with one another.
During service, there was this girl who came and sat beside her. They suddenly became very friendly and in my mind, I was thinking "has she become that sociable in just a year? Drastic change!" lol then she told me that that was the friend she was telling me about on the train.
I was like :O hahaha she was too okay! So I told her, how "coincidental" arh! Hahaha God is really cool, love Him man!
A bit random but I just got reminded of how we sighed at the same time on the train. Like that we also can fight, not bad right. Lol but that was quite funny, like 2 of us sitting together and sighing at the same time lol.
3. At the start of the sharing, I-can't-remember-that-guy's-name mentioned something which Anne had always been thinking of. Like, whether we depend on God or not, as long as we work hard, most likely we are able to achieve what we want anyway. I must return to the sharing and find what he said about that again. Haha
Like I said to her, 3 things that's related to her... This can't be any coincidence man. Haha God is amazing man! He really loves her a lot, lol this whole thing just felt like He was out to prove to her that there are no such things as coincidences, and there He is shouting out to her "I'm here!!". That was really cool alright =D
Anyway, really hope that she enjoyed the service. I did, and I'm very thankful that she came with me even though she could have ditched me for something else.
Lol finally done with this post. Took me like what, 3 days to finish this? Not easy to be blogging on the move man.
But yay, God is good!
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