I have an AWESOME God!

Sep 20, 2010 16:49

AHHHHHHHHH I'm jumping up and down around the house now even though I just green-formed home and I just woke up from a nap. I have no idea why this thing didn't pop out in my email when I checked through my phone last night or even a lot of times this morning, but it only popped out like minutes ago when I checked it again...


Okay, for those who doesn't know what's up right... Wait, I don't think anyone knows what's happening. Well, what happened is that a few posts ago, I mentioned that GYY wanted me to drop my topic if I "need" to complicate things. And prior to that, he actually recommended that I seek help from Professor Seow because he would be the best person to help me, but GYY lost his email so I had to bump around and try my luck. And so I did and meanwhile, that was when those complicated ideas came in because I couldn't find a means to contact him directly either. Even LinkedIn couldn't get me his contact details. So I was desperate and anyhow made some suggestions and was hoping that GYY would agree to that and at the same time, I was desperate till I took a chance and emailed a really general email of the centre.

The glimpse of hope I had was really just a glimpse. I was really really hoping that he would be able to get back to me because I found articles on him on the internet and after reading it, there's only 3 words that came to my mind, "he's the man". However, it was so hard to psycho myself that he will get back to me when I emailed to such a general email which could just be blocked off or deleted or ignored by anyone. Well, I thought that way because of the experiences I had from Youth For Causes in 2007 and 2009? I was even able to get the contact details of the in-charge themselves but a lot of times they either rejected my request or they totally ignored it (a lot of them ignored cos it's a charity thing and it's quite hard to say how their organisation would benefit from it). Oh and while reading up on him, I found out that he's actually a Christian in CHC, so I was actually thinking "oh yes, do I "score" in this?", as in like you know, me ---> God ---> Professor, there's some sort of link between us. haha but even then, I dared not hope much lest I be disappointed much.

Over the weekends, I was already thinking if I should change to something else already because there's no way for me to carry on without his help. BUT THANK GOD FOR HIS FAITHFULNESS despite my lack of faith. God still helped me to get through to Professor Seow and I'm really really thankful that He's helping me in this. Since the start of this year even before I came back, I was already telling myself and others that I'm not doing my EE alone (when I'm supposed to because it's an individual piece of work?) BUT I HAVE A PARTNER AND HE IS GOD! Amen amen AMEN!!!

I admit, even up till now I'm still quite fearful of the uncertainties that might pop up along the way between now and the time that I can get to him directly. But I shall continue praying and trusting in God. I believe He's not just going to bring me to the professor and leave me there, but God is going to lead me through the entire EE. I'm not alone, I AM SO NOT ALONE! AWESOME GOD! I love my God ahhhhh =D

Now that you know about this, if you care enough to spare me about a minute to pray for me, I really really hope that you will keep praying for me in this thing and even about the completion of this EE. Join me in my prayers will you? =)

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, PRAISE THE LORD! The past one week has been rather... you know, I was really down and all, haha and this is like some surprise gift from God. I'm really really thankful to God for this =D If you are with me right now, you will really see me going high and all. I still am going high!! hahahahaha

Praise the Lord, O my soul, praise the Lord. For He is the only One who lifts you up in your darkest moment, and He is the only One who makes all things possible and He gives you a reason to hope and more so, a reason to rejoice. Amen!


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