считаю, что то, в чем я поучаствовала, было приквелом к Blue Ocean, азы которого будут давать всем во втором периоде. Я буду, видимо, брать его целиком.
Innovation =/ Improvement, overused term
Innovation creation: 4 stages (generally the project takes 12-18 weeks)
all is made by handwriting on post-it
1) Observation - at least 2 weeks
- extreme users, extreme non-users (not ignorant, but hating) - curves vs gym
- analogous situations (emergency room - formula 1)
- multiple perspectives (make observations by teams of different people, make sure there will be at least one T-shape person connecting others)
- corporate dogma vs your objectivity - (emotion of corporate emotion) e.g. picture of a kid spending time on ipad for lego directors, if strong emotions =>> there is a place to dig
The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton Christensen - must read
reason why innovation is blocked in the corporate world: it kills existing products and markets
elective: Karan Girotra Indentifying New Business models
2) Insights
grouping observations on the wall - the most tricky part because it is easy to group obviously and act through improvements
for our vending machine we've got:
- joy of experience (for a kid) - important not just see the negative points - the one we worked on for next stages
- old money is useless
- too much exercise for a coke
insights lay on observation & reflect emotion
3) create question "how might we" based on core insight (~50 insights for a project)
Apple is basically working on the same insight for ipod (how might we manage the ipod with a thumb)
ours two chosen HMW:
- HMW help mums to teach through the machine
- HMW help a kid to use the machine autonomously
4) brainstorm - 1 week
- defer judgement
- encourage wild ideas
- stay focused on one topic
- 1 conversation at a time
- be visual
- build on ideas of others
- go for quantity
5) Prototyping
- for empathy
- narrative approach (tell a story with your prototype)
- never 1 - fail often to succeed sooner
- no urge