Mar 25, 2003 18:08
i always find out to little to late, that i shouldnt have said that, or i shouldnt have done this, but what the hell, sometimes you just learn to not care anymore, you just dont seem to give a shit about anything, and you know you need to get to the cemetary where all your really good 16 and 19 and 21 year old friends are buried to gain you a certain amount of resolve, something to re-establish your hope and faith in mankind, destiny and the works. sometimes its just easier to lay there 6 feet above ground talking to your friend six feet below, and knowing youll never see them again, knowing you can never see those deep eyes, and your mournful, and you think why and you cry, but eventualy you realize that youre still alive, that your still breathing and walking and crying and dreaming, but most of all your still ALIVE.
and then you get up, and no matter how hard it is, you rejoin the human world, those moments spent on that cold grave not lost, but added to a vast collection of memories, most yours, but some are also others. for it goes to say that those not immersed in society have a positon to better view, and understand, how it works.
so we come back to real life, with that much needed trip tucked tight in our minds, with that much needed insight, hopefully, gained. one day we will join them, my friends in the cold hard grave, but until then, there is so much worth living for, so much to do so much to say, there are people who would love us for who we are, what we are, and how we are doing it. they may come few and far between, they may be hard to find, but always remember and never, ever forget, that no matter what we do, who we see, where we go, or how we live, we are not alone.