This one has been a long time coming. I started seriously working on it in December, but it was born November, and I already had the glimmers of the ideas in August.
As I have stated in a few other places, this is essentially the opus magnum of my fanfiction writing. I might not write fanfiction ever again. Just barely half a year after returning to writing fanfiction, I'm already feeling the ennui and deploring the contrived plots and horrible grammar a lot of people employ in fanfiction. And I don't know about any of you, but I've never felt right writing about characters that aren't mine. It's a problem I've ended up encountering when trying to write original stories - I usually barely flesh out the characters, because I've never had to describe them. But yeah. Here's the story. It's my baby.
Title: Fairy Tales
Fandom: Mahou Sensei Negima
Characters: Setsuna, Evangeline
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 7323
Summary: They lived like ghosts in cities, with no future and an extinct past. Setsuna dreamt of flying and Evangeline dreamt of blood, but it was all over. Magic was dead.
Link: x-posted to