So I realize I haven't updated for a while. I hope everyone had a good New Year and to all who are back at school now I hope it's going well.
Not much exciting really happened over break, Christmas with my family was really nice and quite enjoyable. My grandmother was here until the 30th, so that was a little trying in many ways. We clash personality wise, so it's hard to have conversations where one of us isn't frustrated. For example, she still wants me to try and join a sorority even if I don't live in house where as I am incredibly happy in Games House and have no desire to deal with sororities. On the other hand, she can't understand why people would love to play games so much, so it was a little weird.
New Year's Eve was fun, got together with a few family friends in the neighborhood for the evening. Lots of good food and fun was had by all. We watched Rocky Horror Picture Show in my friend's uncle's in-home theater. That was well, it was an interesting movie.
After New Year's I saw some friends from home and made a bunch of visits to Alex's house along with Dan, Mike L., Mike B. and Chris although Chris and Mike B. had to return to school soon after the New Year so they were there only once. Lots of Cosmic and movies were had by all there. Last Wednesday was probably the 2 most enjoyable games of Cosmic I have played in a while.
So, if you really want to know some of the more enjoyable or amusing parts of the Cosmic games, then read on. For those who don't know Cosmic, or even if you do, you might just want to skip this anyway.
It was just Mike L., Dan, Alex and I on Wednesday and we were playing with reverse hexes and moons for those of you who care. The first game wasn't terribly exciting, just more amusing in that I won with all of my 5 foreign bases being Alex's 5 home planets.
The second game had the witch involved once Mike landed on the energy moon, so one curse ended up setting our attack cards to -9000 curing which time Mike and I, both cursed, fought it out. Now normally this really doesn't make a difference when it still comes down to token count, but Negator flaring your -9000 to make it a 9000 and create a challenge spread of 18000 was still fairly satisfying. Alex was happy because for the first time in the past 10 games or so, the flare hadn't been used on him. Also getting to ally with 19 tokens defensively using the Virus flare for kicks and then draw 19 cards was another fun aspect of that game.
Okay, end Cosmic rant now.
Since then I've slowly been doing laundry and getting ready to go back to school, I get back the 19th, this Monday, since TA camp demands my presence on the 20th. I spent today making A LOT of cookies to bring back because I was pretty bored. I made just a little more then I expected, so everyone back at Brown needs to eat some of them (not like I really expect it to be a problem).
That's really most of what happened over break, not a lot else has been going on, it's been nice and relaxing with too much sleep and no work. School is going to be a nice shock now, although it will be nice to go back regardless.
However now I'm going to go and talk to people on AIM and collapse for a little while. Until I update again...