Written Kitten

Dec 13, 2011 21:10

So, there's this cute site that shows you kitty pictures for every so many words typed.
Here's my paragraph(s):

I think I just want to get 100 words in and get a kitten. Only 100 words and a kitten I'll get? I'm rather smitten with that idea, to tell the truth, so here I am typing to get a kitten. I wonder how it will arrive? By email? by a pretty little icon dashing and rolling and frolicking across my screen? Perhaps a odd little thing in a corner somewhere? Or maybe a popup? In any case, it will be here soon! Only a dozen and so more words and then my kitten is HERE RIGHT NOW TA DA.
Awww, that's an adorable kitten, but maybe I want another one? Perhaps I want one that's a bit less I STARE YOU DOWN SO HARD in its expression? Just a thought. So lets see if I can get another kitty picture, it shouldn't be too hard, now that I know how I get a kitten, and the word limit, and that it will keep showing me kittens, surely, because otherwise there wouldn't be an option called 'Fresh kitten every 100 words'. So I'll just finish these last dozen or so before the next hundred's finished and see what my kitten is.
Oh god, that one's EVIL. With its I HATE YOU FOREVER SO STOP POKING ME stare! And that little 'I'll slice you open once the camera's looking the other way' smile! So very evil, that cat is! I want another one, another one that should be CUTE and fluffy and adorable, not evil incarnate or staring me down like I'm a food dispenser. I mean, goodness gracious, don't kittens have more than two expressions? I could have sworn they did, having helped a few grow up. Ok, so I didn't help, I just watched them grow up, ok? Whatever.

(This was the last one. The other two were rather scary so I didn't keep the links)
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