Anyway. Weekend. Stayed up til late playing games (like minecraft, Phantasy Star Zero) and watching USA channel (they were showing
Chaos) til my brain was about as blankly zombiefied as it still is now.
Seriously, there is no way to concentrate and just bloody THINK when there's a lot of noise, and your focus is lost.
I'd do what I usually do, go upstairs, but really, it's spending time down here with my mom and the dogs, even if I'm trying (and failing) to do my own thing, instead of getting sucked into the shows she watches.
It wouldn't bug me, but she's a big fan of detective and crime shows, that can get pretty gruesome.
Or she watches those Tru TV 'dumb criminals' or whatever. Mind numbing in most any case.
Anyway, the real reason I wanted to post was, I was browsing around the internet, checking on the update status of minecraft (aka refreshing Notch's Tweets, then went to their facebook, cause he's on vacation) and found Yahtzee did a review! THAT'S SO ON-THE-SPOT-TRUE!
Let's see if this embed works...and if the puppy will leave me alone long enough...
EDIT: of course java tags don't work.. let's try this again...WTFSIZEFAIL *cursing* why the heck does the preview show it right but the real entry is FAIL?!??!
Ok, if you want to see it, and have it not be in a crappy tiny window, hit the full screen button on the far right. Apparently changing the height for the embed doesn't change the flash file it references, and after 9 tries, I'm not redoing it again.