It is freaking FREEZING today. Holy crap, record lows whatwhat?
I need to remember to take my leftovers home from the office. *internal memo!*
I am so... hooked on
minecraft. I can't even understand how. Seriously, don't ask me how I got hooked so absolutely, but I'm on it probably more than I work each week.
I'm sure it helps that I have my own personal server though, and at least one friend to play with.
I need to prepare for going back to college soon. Really do, but I keep putting it off, along the lines of "Do you want to perform sepukku? Sign up here!"
So yeah. I'll think about it.
In other news, I need to even out my insomniac/hypersomnia tendencies before school as well. Or at least, manage my classes around so that I can have my periods of narcolepsy before I'm awake for hours on end.