Apr 12, 2010 03:34
I finally opened up my computer, and didn't only use it to check a game guide and then close it again and let it fester.
I had over 600 emails.
Not spam- REAL emails.
Ye gods that's what I get for ignoring you and facebook-everyone and my internet half-life, I'm sure.
I've spent the last 3+ HOURS whittling my inboxes (email and LJ, which had 70+ of its own unread messages) down to a mere 180 (and 58).
It is early o'clock.
I have another new set of 7 tabs open.
I haven't even restored the session before this yet, that had ITS 5-6 tabs.
(Which is sitting in its own "Restore Session" tab, coincidentally)
I'm torn between having a sneak-about (because it's that late at night) for food, lying here dead trying to get more sleep, or going to get the book Mom's been trying to get me truly interested in, which I'm reading because there is not much else to quietly do.
At least maybe she'd be a little more lenient maybe when I don't drive her to her jobs tomorrow?