Who: Kat, Cameron, Emmett, Albus, Surprise, Jake, Hermione, Quinn
Where: Viewing room town hall
When: While they're leaving for the maze
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed, completed
Summary: Kat heads into the viewing room, against her better judgement, to watch the maze participants. Cameron and Emmett show up, though Emmett is clearly just there for the show - Cameron chastises him for his lack of tact, and Kat isn't exactly thrilled by it. Albus, reasoning Kat will be there, shows up to support her.
The girls, predictably, spazz about the maze's participants - especially when Pandora catches up to Jake and kicks Oy.
Shortly thereafter, when everyone returns, Cameron and Jake follow Laurel and Oy to the infirmary. Hermione stalks off to find Harry, Kat leaves with Quinn, and Albus gives Surprise a requested hug. Al and Surprise head off to her room, chatting about the maze, and their respective realities. Albus hangs with Surprise for a bit before being chased out so she can wash up.
Kat was pretty sure this was a pretty dumb idea. But she was going to worry either way, so she might as well see what she was worrying about.
She wasn't sure they'd totally left yet, but Quinn had headed to the office, and she'd roamed to the viewing room. The orb was currently grey and blank, and Kat thought she should have brought a book - or a friend.
Staring at the curved glass, she bit lightly at her lower lip. Now that she was here, she wondered if she could leave, or if she'd make herself watch it, whatever happened in the maze.
Toying absently with her collar, Kat looked around the room slowly, wondering why she'd never noticed it before. But really, how often had she had reason to even come to the town hall?