Who: Tony, Pepper
Where: Room 206 (Pepper/Chase), Tony's Awesome Lab of Doom
When: Late morning
Rating: PG?
Invasion: Those around Tony's lab. Kaylee would be appropriate.
Status: Closed, Finshed/ing
Summary: Tony, in a panic over chaos, goes to Pepper's room to ask her to help him increase security on his lab to keep his personal and high security things safe. They discuss Chase and Tony's relationship briefly, and Pepper insists that Tony stop calling her Miss Potts (he takes up an awkward Miss Pepper instead) before they head to the lab to increase security. JARVIS records a vocal passphrase, takes a retinal scan, and records Pepper's fingerprints and Tony and Pepper discuss plans for the evening before departing.
Tony was still mildly nervous about his lab - nothing had happened this time, but if Chaos struck again, he might find that JARVIS wouldn't respond to him, or something equally ridiculous - he hadn't been able to get any work done the day before.
And so he was looking for someone - Pepper or Kaylee preferably - that he could use as a backup in case chaos struck again. Maybe both of them. So that if he wouldn't up with a different voice again, at least he'd still be able to access JARVIS.
He decided to go see Pepper first - partially because he knew her better, and partially because it would be easier to program voice recognition with someone JARVIS already had a clear record of - and went to knock on her door. If he didn't receive an answer, he'd go knock on Kaylee's door .
It was only belatedly that he realized that Chase might answer. He kind of hoped he didn't.